Day ride to Shallow Inlet

Distance travelled; 32km (big climbs and big descents).

Well we survived a night of thunderstorms and torrential rain without event. We held onto our hats a couple of times, but pegs and poles held and the tent remained water tight – phew! We were woken round 5.30 by a cacophony of frogs, parrots, kookaburras and every other bird species imaginable – while raucous, fortunately none of them have left deposits on our tent……yet.

Started the day with the Duck Point coastal walk, winding through gnarled bush paths to the beach. Tide was out revealing weed/shells/jelly fish and all those things we used to see on the beach that are much less common now.

After our walk we headed for a day ride to Shallow Inlet – really an excuse to ride the 7km to the nearest coffee. The inlet was a pretty picnic spot, and supposedly a great place for fishing. Was lovely to ride unencumbered with panniers/trailers etc. We made it up the 1km, 13 degree hill out of here without having to get off – will definitely be a walker when we have the full load on board.

And the alternative is?

Stopped off at the general store on our way back and stocked up on some fresh produce – so a hearty meal of BBQ steak, mash and beans – not too shabby!

We had planned to leave here tomorrow but are absolutely loving our camping spot here at Yanakie, so have decided to stay one more day. Currently our biggest decision before the morning is whether to ride in to Tidal Rover or to head back through Waratah Bay.

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