Farewell Austria: Hainburg to Bratislava

Distance travelled: 23km

Woke up to bright sunshine today ( can’t believe how variable the weather is here). After a quick breaky we headed off- with only a short ride ahead of us to Bratislava we decided to start with the 2.5 km climb up to Burgruine Schlossberg – the ruins of the medieval fortress high on the hill above Hainburg. Initially we had thought we would ride up, but with rough tracks, steep embankments and heavy panniers we decided to adopt some caution, chained the bike to a chair part way up & scrambled the rest of the way like a pair of mountain goats – the climb was certainly worth it….

David explored the tunnels on the way up- I was happy to wait on the outside with the camera
David explored the tunnels on the way up- I was happy to wait on the outside with the camera
Fabulous views
Fabulous views


We covered the 20+ km to Bratislava fairly quickly. The border into Slovakia was marked only by the tiniest of signs. Bratilslava is an interesting mix of a city – divided across the Danube with the ‘old town’ on the north side. The old buildings and cobblestone streets are fairly in tact, but not as well preserved as in Austria. Graffiti everywhere – which we found a bit confronting.



Lots of playful street art
Lots of playful street art
And David was worried he wouldn't find a girlfriend over here........
And David was worried he wouldn’t find a girlfriend over here……..
These little guys were having a ball
These little guys were having a ball
Developing a bit of a door fetishising actually
Developing a bit of a door fettish actually

Finished the day with another climb to the Bratislava Castle – it’s becoming very clear to us why they built these things on the hill tops….


Wind  farms along the river
Wind farms along the river
This is the bridge we will cross tomorrow to go to Hungary
This is the bridge we will cross tomorrow to go to Hungary

9 thoughts on “Farewell Austria: Hainburg to Bratislava”

  1. Glad you got some fine weather.Must be hard to get everything dry.Certainly is a mixture of sights.How are the bums.

  2. Hi guys,
    I’m addicted to your blog- couldn’t wait to get back from Beijing and catch-up with your adventures!
    Question:- There seems to be very few people in your photos, is this your art direction? Are there a lot of other bike riders on the trail?
    Question:- Where have you been carrying all your new shoes and handbags NJ?
    Lots of love to you both!

    1. Hi Rog, not many people on the road or out in streets in most places – far less than we expected. Two reasons ai suspect – off season and also weather has been a bit wet, so less out and about. Can do long stretches on the bike without seeing anyone.

      Shoes- that varies – sometimes ai just can’t keep David from borrowing them – he looks a treat!

  3. Having a blast reading your blog each night (tho you let me down last night)

    The photos seem empty of cyclists. Are there many fellow cyclists on the route?
    Are they wearing lycra?
    Are you the only ones wearing helmets?
    Love, Andrew

  4. No blog last night? We always look forward to reading it !!
    Many other cyclists touring? don’t see any in the photos.
    Are they wearing lycra and helmets?

    Love, Andrew
    (PS: sorry if you get this twice.)

    1. Hi AJH – did get it twice – posts don’t go up til we moderate so you won’t see them immediately.

      No post last night – combination of HUGE day & no Internet in room – have just posted now.

      q1: very few other riders, especially in the first part of the journey- lots of waving & gesticulation when we do see one. A few more emerging in a hungry but mainly locals – the bike trail shares some main bike paths here.

      Lycra – oddly enough have seen a few people in Lycra but the hilarious thing is that the ones we have seen have all been riding battery assisted bikes!! Clearly wanna bes!

  5. WOW. What a trip so far. Enjoying the blog (it gets me out of work). Love the pic’s, i feel like we are all on the journey with you.

    Keep up the blogging.

    Regards Jodie

    1. Hi Jodie. Thanks for your message – having a great time, say hi to everyone there.

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