Final day in Serengeti

Out last day and n the Serengeti today. Feeling a bit worse for the wear so we delved into the suitcase pharmacy and opted for two short safaris rather than a full day.

Bush bathroom wasn’t too attractive with these guys lounging around……

This afternoon we visited the Serengeti Research Visitor Centre. Our wonderful student guide Melvin gave us a very informative tour explaining all aspects of the migration – who migrates, who tags along eating those who migrate and who stays behind.

The centre itself is really beautiful. Landscaped by a German designer with fabulous pressed metal sculptures of the animals and informative displays.

These beautiful candelabra trees are in the cactus family and drip poisonous milk
These little guys (rock hyrax) were everywhere- very cute but also known to bite so we kept clear

Sitting on the tent verandah relaxing before dinner. Will be hard to leave this beautiful camp tomorrow. Heading back through NgoroNgoro first thing tomorrow.

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