Hamn to Andenes

Bit of a lazy day today. Slept in until 9 – the latest we have slept in since we’ve left Melbourne We stayed up to see the midnight sun (me) and the 1.30am sun (David) in a hope of seeing the midnight sunset which is apparently fleeting but spectacular. No luck, sadly it did not come out.

COD ponds in the fjord outside our hotel- taken at midnight
COD ponds in the fjord outside our hotel- taken at midnight

At breakfast we had our first sample of Norwegian brown cheese, which is out of this world – firm goats cheese with a caramelised flavour- will be a regular breakfast feature from now on.

Was hard to leave our decadent accommodation on the little island of Hamn, but we left none the less. Just a short ride today (told it was 18km but actually only 12) to Gryllefjord to catch the ferry to Andenes.

Only one tunnel today but it was a whopping 1.2km long- pedalled like crazy
Only one tunnel today but it was a whopping 1.2km long- pedalled like crazy

Gryllefjord is a sleepy little town but thankfully has one rustic cafe which we sat in as long as we possibly could as it was sooooo cold once we had stopped riding.

Having already eaten our picnic lunch we felt compelled to have the Norwegian waffles with strawberries, cloudberries and yoghurt to justify our continued occupation of our table- yum!!!! It’s a tough job but someone had to do it.

Having stayed in the cafe much longer than was polite we delved into out panniers, added an extra layer of thermals each and set off for the ferry.

Very rough crossing- opted for freezing on the deck rather than going green inside. After one hour forty of heavily rolling seas we were glad to find our land legs again.

Long walk (about 1km) with bikes AND bags (carter dropped bags at ferry) to find that after we checked in the rooms that we were actually staying in were back near the docks- so we definitely earnt tour dinner- or David did lugging the two big cases while I pushed the bike.

We seem to have left the bad weather behind- bright sunshine here- so about to do some much needed washing and go in search of dinner.

2 thoughts on “Hamn to Andenes”

  1. Fabulous scenery. Something you will never forget. I bet the locals won’t .2 people on a tandem .

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