Heading home for real

Leaving Quorn felt like heading home for real. We steeled ourselves for the journey with coffee from ‘The Scruffy Fella’’ – a recent addition to Quorn it sells an interesting mix of coffee, snacks and various manscaping products. The absolute best coffee in our whole trip, and perhaps a bit before that.

Inevitably we had to hit the road. At every turn we have resisted the urge to turn around and go back out to the never never.

We plotted a homeward route that aimed to stay ‘north’ for as long as possible -trying to soak up every last bit of warmth we can. So it’s Mildura, Echuca and then home. First sight of the Murray was at Morgan where house boats were in full force

Stopped for a big feed on all our fresh fruit and vegies before crossing the border. No errant oranges this time.

Overnight at Lake Cullulleraine between Renmark & Mildura
One of us even saw the sunrise

Luck was with us this morning as we had no sooner got Dora into her box than the heavens descended. Complete with thunder and lightning.

Canola fields literally glowed despite the rain

Decided that rather than go home with wet canvas we would spend our last night in a motel (a bit of a cop out I know). However it didn’t take long for us to appreciate the finer things in life -that is flushing toilets and a shower.

What is this foreign object in our room? Haven’t watched one of these for 5 weeks!

Home tomorrow – EEEK

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