Welcome to our tandem adventures

Hi family and friends. If you are reading this it means we are on the road on a new tandem journey. We hope you enjoy  our stories or at least get a laugh out of some of the pics.

Your saddle-sore friends

Naomi & David

6 thoughts on “Welcome to our tandem adventures”

  1. Hummfff, harden up princess – you’ve only got an overgrown bike to deal with while we’ve got a whole caravan full of accumulated junk. Have a lovely trip and we’ll be following you with interest as you wend your way along (and off the edge of…) tow paths across Europe!
    Love from us,

    1. Ha…well ours fits better in a suitcase I guess, but doesn’t keep us quite so dry in the rain!

  2. I have Munic time on google so are checking what the time is. You have got off to a good start. L M&D.

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