Henningavaer to Hov

Left Hemmingavaer round 9.30 backtracking for the first 10 km – which was actually great because the weather was nice and we were able to enjoy the scenery that we misse din the rain yesterday. Lots to see along the way today.
First stop was a reflective sculpture by an American artist- a big reflective glass curve which mirrors the fjord and mountains behind- we thought it was fabulous, but the locals call it ‘the shower cabinet’.
Next stop was the old church at Gimsoysand- right on the banks of the fjord and guide to the ground to stop the strong winds from blowing it into the water. These little graveyards are very typical if this area with each village having their own small cemetery.
From there it was full steam ahead to Hov..
Traffic became heavy with literally scores of rally cars passing us on the road. We found out later they were from the Baltic Ciicle Midsummer Madness Tour- a group of about 300 petrol heads who drive round Germany, the Baltic and across Norway every summer- and they were all staying in the camping ground opposite our B&B. Very well behaved (or the double glazing in our room did the trick)- although I had a real treat when David and I walked on the beach and they were swimming butt naked ( in 11 degree water- I might add)
Hov is a little coastal town whose claim to fame is having the most furtherest north golf course in the world – where you can play golf under the midnight sun. We had a room in a little farmhouse on a local horse farm- they breed Icelandic horses- very cute, stocky and very rough coated little horses (ponies really).

Met our fellow travellers at dinner- there are 11 others biking the same route as us., so no doubt will get to know them better along the way.

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