Hov to Ballstad (sorry rushed job done outside hostel reception in freezing cold where only wifi available late at night)

Set off from Hov early with a long ride ahead. Threatening to rain we prepared for an arduous ride, however the damp cleared and only emerged occasionally throughout the day as did the head wind. Luckily the crowds from the Baltic Circle tour were sleeping in (recovering?), so traffic was light on the road out.

We largely hugged the coast today, island hopping (via bridge) between two islands. Very different terrain to the other islands- expanses of marsh land and some pasture – mostly occupied by sheep and horses. The vegetation was also much more ‘forest like’ with woods of fir trees – where vegetation on other islands has been mostly birches.


Traversed a couple so small, beautiful fjords (with challenging hills) -with camping grounds beginning to fill up- as the summer holidays start today.
Rain set in for a while round mid afternoon, so we hunkered down in a cafe at one of the camping grounds for an hour or so until it passed – drinking coffee and eating cake (as you can when you know you are going to be riding it off).

Last 15km was in beautiful sunshine, so we stripped off our layers and basked in it. The fjords transform when the sun shines on them.

Arrived at Ballstad late afternoon. Accommodation is in tiny little fisherman’s cabins right over the water. Very cute- feels like sleeping in a dolls house. So excited to se we have our very own bathroom!! Aaaaaahhh- it’s the little things in life……..


Winter repairs of this beautiful timber fishing boat, just up the road from our cottage
Winter repairs of this beautiful timber fishing boat, just up the road from our cottage

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