It was all about the elephants today

Set off at a respectable 8am making our way through the bustling Arusha into the countryside. 

First bit of wildlife was a goat! Then cows and camels. 

We passed the Masai markets – Saturday is market day for the Masai – so the markets were bustling with Masai bringing their animals and produce for sale – men with their checked shawls and women in vibrant fabrics carrying enormous baskets on their heads. Goats fetch about 60 USD.

NTerrain on the way to Tarangerie was vast and not dissimilar to parts of Aus. We arrived round 11ish in a sweltering 37 degrees – roof up and windows open we managed to keep coolish but we did drink like elephants!

ITarangerie  is an enormous park – over 4000 square kilometres, so even in the five hours we were there we barely scraped the surface. It is a ‘wooded grassland’ which means lots of acacia and baobab (in full leaf) with fairly lush grass (as it’s the wet season). The park is home to over 3000 elephants and they were definitely putting on a show today.  The absolute Highlight for us was being totally surrounded by elephants almost within touching distance.  Absolutely magnificent creatures and so nurturing of their babies (which are incredibly cute).

This little guy was having a lovely snack

The big cats were also about today- one sleeping pride and an alert (and Tony tells us hungry) lioness. She was on the prowl less than 200n from the picnic ground where we had lunch! Tony assures is that lions won’t come near large groups of humans but we sat in the furtherest table so that there would be lots of ‘snacks’ before she got to us!

You’ll have to use your imagination for this one

Other sightings today were warthogs, impala, water bucks and zebra & giraffe in the distance.

We are now sitting on an open deck at sunset in our absolutely magnificent lodge (Eileen’s Tree Lodge in Karatu) waiting for dinner which we have no idea what it is but it smells spectacular. 

11 thoughts on “It was all about the elephants today”

  1. This was a great day and i am a happy person because that is my type of good work apart from the starting time. Tony seems a good guide and i just hope he continues the same way till the end. You were not lucky though to see the pythons in tarangire. Hope you see some in Lake Manyara.
    Keep it up my worthy team.

  2. Never seen a camel before and it looks like your having fun. We spotted the lioness under the tree and we don’t think it is going to eat you! The elephants look great with their big tusks and trunk! Love Lucinda Emily and Amity!❤️😊👌

    1. Yes we are getting them but they go to my email first for moderation so you won’t see them instantly. Glad they’re enjoying it xxxx

  3. Never seen a camel before and it looks like your having fun. We spotted the lioness under the tree and we don’t think it is going to eat you! The elephants look great with their big tusks and trunk! Love Lucinda Emily and Amity!❤️😊👌

  4. We’re also enjoying this trip!!!
    Great photos and descriptions.
    Love to you both,
    R & R

  5. We too, your Canadian cuzzies are really enjoying your blog! Thank you for sharing this adventure. Glad you guys are keeping snacks up front! We love you all.

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