Lakes Entrance to Nowa Nowa via goodness knows where….

After a fairly ‘interesting’ night last night we couldn’t wait to get up and out this morning. Having been too hesitant to look at TripAdviser reviews of our digs last night we did so over coffee in the local cafe this morning. Let’s just say we were very glad we’d taken the extra precaution of spraying ourselves with Rid before bed to ward off bed bugs – others hadn’t been quite so lucky. Ah well – it’s all part of the adventure!

Did the big climb our of Lakes – mostly on the bike but some hills did get the better of us.

Some huff and puff to get up this bad boy

Wound our way back to Log Crossing – our lunch spot from yesterday. Campers had moved in over night – absolutely sensational free camp (note to AJH & JAH – have marked it on the map for future reference).

From the crossing we decided to take the ‘alternate’ route back to the main rail trail. Our travel guide said this was an easier route. It’s amazing what a difference one minor wrong turn can make (I told him it was the other left). 20km later and one enormous climb and we were back where we started – so it was morning tea and lunch a Log Crossing.

After this false start we decided instead to re-trace our steps from yesterday. While it was a strenuous climb the bush was gorgeous – the light rain overnight made it very humid and the fern gully’s were absolutely filled with butterflies. The overcast sky (compared to yesterday’s sun) totally changed the colours.

Another beautiful trestle bridge just outside Nowa Nowa

We arrived in Nowa Nowa late arvo with pretty much nothing left in the tank. Staying in a cute little loggers cottage at the back of the caravan park with a very comfortable bed and I’m very pleased to say clean linen! Have bought a re-heat & eat lasagna, home made by the lady in the general store which looks yum (pub not open for weeknight dinners). So all is good in the world.

Just hoping our legs can still bend tomorrow……not showing much potential at the moment.

3 thoughts on “Lakes Entrance to Nowa Nowa via goodness knows where….”

  1. Naomi and David you have a knack for making even a trip around Vic country sound exotic! Loving the story!

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