Last day in St Helens

Well, had our last day of our mini break here in St Helens today. After a day of absolute slothfulness yesterday- eating- sleeping- reading – we got back on the bike for a short ride the ‘other, way around the coast towards St Helens Point.

We climbed and flew down some big hills in this short ride- note the maximum speed!

We hugged the coastline the whole way and with the superb weather we were treated to magnificent views- this place is just glorious.

We literally followed a path on the water’s edge
More of these amazing lichen covered rocks

On the way home stopped on the wharf for a fisherman’s basket – and a lovely couple from the Gold Coast (who spent the day passing is on the road) shared their oysters with me. As for Benny- when in Rome… chicken burger of course!

Now starting the task of re-packing the panniers ready for an early start tomorrow while listening to ‘For the Term of His Natural Life’ on audio book in prep for our visit to Port Arthur.

A big 83km ride to Bicheno tomorrow.

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