Leg 2:Low Head to Bridport

Note the elevation gain!

After listening to rain on the roof all night we woke up to sunshine- so a quick bowl of porridge and we were off.

All packed ready to go

The lady at the caravan park suggested an alternate ‘back roads’ route which meant the first 40k were off the main roads. Lovely ride mostly through farmland with some glimpses of the coast- saw only 8 cars, 2 trucks, one caravan and 4 kookaburras for the first 3 hours.

Look- no trucks!

Stopped for a hearty (and much needed) lunch at a tiny General Store in Pipers Point where we met Rosanne- a Kiwi who had left her job and is cycling around Australia for the next 18 months- she was also on day 2. Very envious- definitely buying a lottery ticket this week!

Once back on the main road surfaces were easier to ride but traffic increased. We’ve now got savvy to the log trucks- we hear them before we see them and pull off the road standing until they pass- their back draught is strong and this stops us wobbling.

The elements set in with about 25k to go- 5 hail storms swept through- again pulled over and huddle it out – no shelter in sight.

Hail stones the size of blueberries- nothing to do but hunker down
The hail didn’t put this little guy off searching for dinner

Arrived at our cabin in Bridport round 4.30 very wet and a little bit frozen, but nothing a hot shower couldn’t fix.

Have cranked the hearing up to 30, laid out all our wet clothes and come to the pub for dinner- hoping our shoes will be slightly drier tomorrow.

The best thing about riding is….
Storm clouds still hovering over Bridport- hope they’ve passed by tomorrow

4 thoughts on “Leg 2:Low Head to Bridport”

  1. Loving the blog Naomi and David and so glad that you are avoiding the logging trucks! Those guys are scary even when you’re in a car. Better weather coming soon – hang in there… but rather you than me in the hail!

  2. Well done guys – sounds like this was a challenging leg for both you and echidna!
    R + R

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