Living life on the right side: Lisbon to Sagres

Picked up our rental car in Lisbon central at 9am with much trepidation. Our driver from yesterday had advised us to expect half an hour of terror (driving in the city) then smooth sailing as we hit the quieter streets.  David took to right hand driving like a duck to water- I had dejavu to the days of being a passenger when the kids were learning to drive- desperately trying not to make audible intakes of breath. 

Actually getting out of Lisbon was a snap- people must have been having a Sunday morning sleep in. It was once we hit the coast road things became trickier- being fabulous weather every man, dog, child were out. It was a bit like Mornington Penninsula mid-summer only on narrow, winding cobblestones with us going at 20kph and everyone else going at 120k.

Spectacular coastline heading south of Lisbon

After much glute clenching we succumbed to googles insistent requests that we turn around Return to the fastest route (the highway).  We will leave the road less travelled until tomorrow when we feel a bit braver.

Arrived in Sagres late afternoon just  a tad relieved to have made it.

Sagres is a small fishing village on the south west coast of Portugal.  The fishing dock  is sheltered by a breakwater. Today the waters were quite tranquil but I imagine it has a big job to do once the tide turns.

We are staying at an old classically Portuguese hotel, a bit more fancy than we are used to (I might need to take my hiking boots off for dinner) but absolutely beautiful. Set on the cliff tops it is now in a national park so immune to further development around it.  Managed an evening cliff too walk- spectacular.

Loads of locals fishing off the cliff top- no idea how they reel them in if they catch a big one
A cliff top beauty
David hanging off the edge by his eyebrows trying to get the money shot

Have two nights here so will have time to explore neighbouring villages tomorrow


Room with a view
And sunset drinks. What more could a girl want?

6 thoughts on “Living life on the right side: Lisbon to Sagres”

  1. The adventure continues and is matched by great photos and narrative. We are now packing for the third time. Each pack is as a result of the photos 🤣.

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