Masai Mara

Day 1
In Africa anything is possible- this is our new mantra

Cyrus gave us a sleep in this morning, leaving at 6.45, heading south towards the Masai Mara.

The journey was a bit of an off-road adventure, with corrugated dirt roads that would shake your teeth out.

They certainly shook everything else out- about 2/3 of the way there our brake line snapped- fortunately we were just a few hundred metres from a small Masai village with a very resourceful mechanic (luckily an uphill drive so we didn’t need breaks to get there). About half an hour later we were back on the road jolting away.

The trip into the camp was pretty amazing- literally a maze of dirt tracks going in every direction with no signage or anything we could see to differentiate them. Somehow Cyrus managed to navigate through the maze to get us here in time for a late (4pm lunch) and then get us back out again to the game park to see the animals.

The Masai live in small villages within the Mara along with the wild animals. Amazing to see them walking around on foot while we huddle safely in our vehicles.

Had our first sighting of wilderbeast and the black rhino. But spent most of our time in the park gazing at a pride of 10 plus lions waking up from their daytime sleep ready to hunt. The lionesses were HUGE, and made eye contact with us several times- very glad to be in the safety of our truck.

Don’t be fooled by their cute cuddly appearance!

Drove back as the sun set. We did heed this warning….

We’re not scared!

Day 2:
Another big day today. R & R headed off for their balloon flight at 4.50 (yes Roger did get out of bed at 4). They were driven for about an hour into the Mara to meet the balloon crew. They found it a bit of a challenge to get into the basket but two Masai warriors ably slotted Roger into his spot.

The pilot guided the balloon up to 1000 feet to give spectacular views of the sunrise and the migrating wilderbeast. Then hovered down low just over the animals- lions, rhino, buffalos and cheetahs chasing wilderbeast.

While they were up in the air, David and I explored from the ground. Highlights were:
Driving through huge herds of wilderbeast – such pre-historic looking creatures. 7 cheetahs (including 2 snacking on a tasty fresh wilderbeast), 2 male lions, an albino zebra, and an attempted zebra cfossing – just when we thought they would cross they changed their minds- mind you I’d be a bit shy about jumping into a river full of crocodiles too.

Yum yum

The Mara is 600 square kilometres of long flat plains spotted with acacia trees -some low bushes but those that arethere may have lions under them- which makes the bush bathroom quite an experience- especially for the ‘mama’ in the group….

Today was Cyrus’ birthday, we were joined by our two young Italian friends Elizabetra and Marcos (doing a parallel safari). We had a cake and all the staff sang. Fabulous!

7 thoughts on “Masai Mara”

  1. That was nicely reported. I thank thecyclepath team on safari with me because of their wonderful input to making the safari a success. We are a team second to none so far and i know we are yet to adventure more as time continues to elapse. Thanks team mates for the wonderful birthday chorus you sang for me. The cake was delicious. Thanks to the Sentrim Mara Chef and staff for everything. I am on my second day today. Bravo. Amboseli here we come tomorrow.

  2. Amazing experiences. V happy to READ about the lions but would have loved to see elephant and baby.
    V amused by the ‘spotted’ leopard poster.

  3. Love the pics! What an adventure! Glad the road was dry… and not like last time we drove to the Mara when it was “Muddy Hell”… up to 2 feet of mud and water on the road 😉

    1. Cyrus said to tell you that Kilimanjaro I fully out- gorgeous!

      Thanks so much for the referral to Cyrus (via Ton)- he is giving us a fabulous experience and we are loving his company

  4. Hi guys the magnificent 5 thecyclepaths tour team in Kenya 2017. I had a wonderful day because i rested enough only to wake up to start repair works on the car before you jet back on the 8th. The Tyres are all done and replaced with one brand new. I bought the brakes spare parts and will be fixing them tomorrow. Hope you are having fun in Zanzibar? Good evening my winning team.

  5. Having a fantastic time over here Cyrus. Weather is very hot so we are continuing to drink like elephants ?

    Hope you are having a chance for a well earned rest in between all that work! See you in a couple of days.

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