Melbourne to Launceston

Arrived at the airport early to allow for delays due to the normal bikes in bags confusion. Forty-five minutes and $90 excess baggage later  we watched with trepidation while our green machine slid off into the oversized luggage abyss, hoping like heck she’d come off safe and sound at the other end….. and she did!

Smallest plane I’ve been on in a while

With 5 hours to kill before we could check into our B&B, we decided to rent a car and do some exploring. Set off along the Great Western Tiers Touring Road – beautiful little towns full of  old cottages, cafes and craft galleries. Pored over the realestate windows for that perfect renovators delight but sadly no luck!

Yummy ploughman’s lunch- starting off the way we mean to continue!

Arrived at our gorgeous cottage in Launceston late arvo – three hours later (and much groaning) we had the bike set up…..almost…

Cottage transformed into bike shed

Note to selves- if you’re going to buy a new super dooper pump, test it out before you absolutely need it! We now have great bike with two flat tyres! Never fear- have located a bike shop and will be on their doorstep first thing. 

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