Mungo Day 2

Well if cold nights are character building then our characters are now the size of Texas – last night was a doona and 2 woollen blanket night.  Awoke with frozen noses – stepping out to find thick ice on the car.

Set off on an early walk to the Mungo lookout to watch the sunrise – or one of us did while the other (initials DB) hid away under the covers. It was worth the cold and the tramp.

Managed to coax the old boy out of bed with the promise of coffee from the Mungo Lodge cafe then we set off on a  day self drive  tour of the park.

Landscape is absolutely amazing.- vast and scrubby.  Loads of Roos and we were treated to a mob of emus running across the road ahead of us- never giving a thought that we mightn’t stop and let them through.

The ‘China walls’ were my fave for the day. With very few people here we mostly had it it to ourselves and could sit and soak in the incredible landscape. 

Back to camp to re-charge in the afternoon sun and about to head down the road to the visitor centre which has showers!!

Camper nd me on our charging stations

Addendum: while the visitors centre advertised showers they didn’t say ’cold, showers. now squeaky clean and enviro rated !

Not wanting to waste all that clean we are heading to Mungo Lodge for dinner

3 thoughts on “Mungo Day 2”

  1. I hope you’ve got warm sleeping bags the nights look chilly there.
    Travel safely you two

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