Ngorongoro crater

It was very hard to leave out idyllic tented camp this morning but none the less we set off round 7 heading for NgoroNgoro crater. 

Last night over dinner the staff sang us a farewell ‘welcome song’ and presented us with a cake – very cool. They were dancing and using every conceivable  Pan, spoon and plate for percussion. Much hooting and laughing- it was fabulous. All came out to wish us farewell this morning.

Wildlife were out in force as we left- we came across a pride of lions feasting on their kill, with hyenas lurking all around (just out of reach) waiting for the leftovers. 

Just got past the Serengeti gate and our fuel line came loose – sending Tony under the car with tools. Alas a temporary fix only so needed to detour to a garage for repairs and fuel- we had lost almost all the fuel along the way.

It all adds to the adventure!

After about an hour  with multiple people under the car it was fixed and we were back on our way.

The Ngorongoro Crater was incredible. The rim sits at 2500 metres above sea level with the crater 650meters below – a steep drive in and out. The steep sides restrict movement of animals in and  out, so basically it’s a 305 square mile discrete ecosystem.  It houses almost all animals except giraffe, leopard and impala – as there are no trees. 

It feels a bit like the garden of Eden- lush undergrowth and animals everywhere.

Managed to see a few rhino – all in the distance but it means Caity has now seen all of the Big 5.

Spent a few hours driving round the crater- the up close zebra experiences were amazing.

So delicate

This is the last wildlife we’ll see for the trip, so it felt a bit sad heading out of the park.

We arrived at our lodge absolutely covered in red dust and watched as the staff beat the dust out of our bags with straw brooms.

A shower never felt so good!

4 thoughts on “Ngorongoro crater”

  1. Ngorongoro is wonderful and the animals too. I love the Kori Bustard bird by the lake. The days are flying though but with a plus everyday. I just hope you did not loose your lunch to the kites.

  2. Hi Aunty Naomi and Caitlan just at nan and grandpa’s while we read your blog looks 👍 great love Lucinda Emily and Amity 😊

    1. Hi L, E and A,
      Glad you are enjoying the blog. We are seeing some amazing animals here. Today we are going into the bush to meet with some Bushmen and see how they hunt for food.
      You need to start saving so that you can come over here some day!
      Send our love to mum, dad, nan, pa, Claire and Andy xxxxxx
      GAN & C

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