Nowa Nowa to Orbost then on to Marlo

We woke up early a bit creaky but pleased to see that our legs did move and our bottoms were only slightly tender from yesterday’s big ride. After a night of heavy rain we were lucky enough to wake up to light cloud and a slight mist but not enough to require rain gear. We had a hearty cooked breakfast and the best coffee of the trip so far at the Mingling Waters Cafe (attached to our holiday park) and hit the road, leaving our little cottage just shy of 9am.

Two muscle-bound athletes setting off for the day…

The rail trail goes right through the heart of the town so no problems finding our starting point today. First photo op was crossing the bridge over Boggy Creek just out of town – more like a river than a creek tho’

Early morning stillness made for great reflections
And yet another trestle bridge – this one a little worse for wear

The foliage was quite different today to yesterday’s rain forest. The undergrowth was dryer and more bracken than ferns. With some areas showing post-bushfire fuzz.

Banana break….

After the long night of rain much of the trail was slippery so after a couple of episodes of fish-tailing we ended up walking the bike down the bigger hills rather than risk coming off (note: that’s the royal ‘we’).

Remnants left by a hungry cyclist?

Closer to Orbost things flattened out and we started seeing more grassy farmland…….and of course the beautiful Snowy River.

The Orbost bridge….
Not the roaring waterway I was expecting

After a quick look around Orbost which is a very pretty little town with many of the original buildings, we hitched a ride to Marlo. While the distance wasn’t far, it was along a major road with no shoulder and with the amount of caravan traffic we decided not to risk it.

Now sitting in our gorgeous little room in the Marlo Pub with the most amazing views – our home for the next two nights. Doing it tough!!!

4 thoughts on “Nowa Nowa to Orbost then on to Marlo”

  1. Great photos again. From the sublime to the …. even more sublime in terms of accommodation!! Great view, except for the feet.

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