Our first trial pack- we never were good at jigsaws

Step 1: wrap her up
Step 1: wrap her up
Step 2: take her apart
Step 2: take her apart
Step 3: how the heck do we fit it all into these two bags???
Step 3: how the heck do we fit it all into these two bags???
Time started: 9.15pm

Time finished: 11.20 pm

Swear words: 2,536

Headaches: 2

5 thoughts on “Our first trial pack- we never were good at jigsaws”

  1. Loving the blog and you haven’t even left yet 🙂
    Need to see the photo of bike in bags and your carry-on to really believe that you can travel for that long with everything in only carry-on.
    And how long did it take to put back together again??

  2. Blog looks great! 🙂

    Looking forward to the post about the rebuild, how did it go…??


    1. Re-build went fine. Took just over an hour – David managed it on his own. No parts left over! Went for long ride yesterday- mostly fine. Two top gears in mid range slipping a bit when NOT Under pressure (ie when we need to gear up) but David will adjust this morning & we will go out again before the final pack. All looks good to go. Will keep you posted. Thanks for all your help in getting the bike in tip top shape for us.

      1. Nice work, good to hear the re-build went well! I think it is sensible to check the gear tune each time the cables are re-connected, especially for the rear derailleur, just to be safe. Not long now! 🙂

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