Parachilna Gorge

Parachilna Day 1

No service tonight so writing this and will post-post it when back in range (whenever that is). Took us about an hour to pack down in Quorn this morning, so despite getting out of bed at 6.3o it was still 8am before we hit the road and that’s with no breakfast.

Stopped for egg and bacon rolls in Hawker- another small historic town with general store (closed Sundays) a servo that sells just about anything and quite an upmarket cafe, open and doing a roaring trade.

After our quick re-fuel we headed north towards Parachilna. Well and truly back into the outback scenery. Vast landscapes of nothingness and the emerging rugged ridge top of the ranges.

Felt we had to stop at the infamous Prairie Hotel- outback pub that’s reinvented itself with fine dining (largely on Aussie wildlife). We couldn’t face a side of Skippy at 11am (or ever) so went for the double cooked potatoes in lemon myrtle (along with a healthy side of disapproval from the hotelier).

None the less spuds were yum and we left feeling replete. Some great cast iron sculptures around the town….

We were planning to head further north and stay at some old ruins, but heard they were close to the road (and Wikki camps informed littered with TP) so re-routed east along Parachilna Gorge road- dirt road along the riverbed,. Here we found the most amazing riverbed camp sites- picked one nestled in the gorge with craggy rock faces on teo sides. There are some other campers around but so secluded we can’t see them. 

No flies on David

Now sitting by the fire pit with bellies full of lamb chops (local- but not self caught) and potatoes and pumpkin roasted on the fire. It’s so quiet we can hear the blood circulating in our ears.  It’s a beautiful clear night so we are just sitting by the fire waiting for the stars to put on a show before we hit the sack.

Day 2 Parachilna Gorge

 Utter  silence complete darkness and freezing cold meant we slept like two bears in hibernation until the birds and our bladders called us into action round 8am.  Car frozen so thick with ice that the remote wouldn’t work- had to use key lock instead.

Very slow start to the morning firing up the Billy again and having a breaky of hot porridge to get ud going.  By the time the sun was fully out and flies were up (giving a whole new meaning to bush ablutions) we hit the track heading for Arkaroola.

Rugged , although recently graded roads with lots of undulations and creek bed crossings- which David, Subi and Dora all managed well.

On the way up one particularly steep hill we passed an old fella on a push bike towing trailer/camping gear. He told us he’s ridden all the way from Alice Springs- the flies are now getting the better of him.  He said he has 13000 touring miles under his belt with this current bike – he certainly looked like he had some mikes under his belt.

Now stopped in Blinmun – a gorgeous little town with fabulous cafe (beef and Guinness pies for morning tea and take away lemon and myrtle tarts for ‘ron)- we’re certainly not starving on this trip.

Posting this as incoming texts tell me I have a single bar of reception- so here goes.

Leaving a trail of dust behind is

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