Reflections from an airport lounge

Ok, with the show well and truly over, and with time to kill in transit lounges- here are our reflections……

Would we do it again?: absolutely!
Would we do it again together?: hmmmm…let us think…yes definitely.
What (if anything) would we do differently?:
– no more than 4 days riding without a day offf (this seems to be the tiredness/grumpy threshold) – of course I never get grumpy…

– bring less stuff – yes, despite our lean hand luggage we still didn’t wear everything!

-learn key phrases in each language but also learn the possible responses- not much point in asking where the bike mechanic is if you can’t understand the answer!

– have more flexible accomodation – giving the option to stay longer in special spots.

– take waterproof stuff to wear over your waterproof stuff

What have we learned?

– we are more resilient than we thought
– we both kind of like rain and mud – weird I know!
– human nature is a wonderful thing – there are heaps of random souls just out there waiting to help you.
– take a BIG supply of clip-on Koalas to bestow on such souls.

One thought on “Reflections from an airport lounge”

  1. All over bar the shouting. Glad you had a good time.Sleep well when you get home.

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