Second last day in the saddle: Komarno to Visegrad

Distance travelled (bike & boat): 85km
Distance cycled: 55km
Weather: extremely windy (gale force) with light rain towards late afternoon.

Today was a combination of riding and a ferry trip. The forecast was for gale force winds and it didn’t disappoint. We put on our stylish wet weather gear which proved to be fabulously wind proof also. The first half of our trip was along the top of the dyke – a gravel track but thankfully much dryer than the muddy paths from yesterday. With the wind coming from the side, it was the one time we were grateful to have heavy panniers & lots of weight on the bike. Made for slow progress though.

There were stiles about every 500m down the dyke that we had to lift the bike over
There were stiles about every 500m down the dyke that we had to lift the bike over


The remainder was on country roads, and again through small villages.

Like yesterday, all the houses in the villages had their own vineyard
Like yesterday, all the houses in the villages had their own vineyard

We had a deadline today – a ferry to catch from Esztergom (the oldest city n iHungary) to Visegrad at 4.30 pm, and 50km to ride before then. We made it with an hour to spare – a little wind blown and quite chilly – so we were very happy to spend 90 minutes or so cruising down the river. There were bikes everywhere at the docks – turns out there was a cycling cruise in port – spoke to some Aussies from Brisbane who were on it….they cruise from port to port along the Danube and then do cycling tours each day – coming back to the ship at night – bet they don’t have any troubles finding their way to their hotel!

The ferry was large and there were only 4 of us on it – us and a couple of English guys who were very chatty so it mad e for a fun trip. The views were fabulous.

So many satellite dishes for such an old house!
So many satellite dishes for such an old house!

On arriving at Visegrad we found our hotel was a further 5km up the road (note to self always check the scale of the map). With now cooled down muscles it was hard going, but we were ecstatic on arrival to find our hotel was on thermal springs! We donned our togs (luckily we had packed them, although I have heard that you can hire them here -ERK) and rushed down to the pools – picked the hottest one and sat there until we looked like prunes – BLISS!!!

7 thoughts on “Second last day in the saddle: Komarno to Visegrad”

  1. Great pics guys ….. But I don’t see any photos of prunes in togs lounging in a thermal pool? Or are you saving those for a special treat for us?

  2. Just been catching up on the last week. What an amazing trip. Everything from luxury and culture to wet, muddy slogging. Pleased you ended up squashing some poor farmer’s crop when you slid over and didn’t end up in a canal/river!
    What’s this about your man ferrying your gear for you? I assumed you were full loaded with everything – but guess that would be an interesting sight with the cycle’s suitcases somehow strapped to your backs :-).
    Add another vote for prune photos please (and – no – don’t get cheeky and photograph your breakfast)

  3. Love the place with all the satelite dishes. Have you been checking out the realestate windows as you’ve been peddling along?

  4. What an adventure you are having!! We missed you at Rummikub last night – Ruth has taken over the green hat – perhaps you can accesorize in Paris for future wins?

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