Serengeti Day 2

We slept like logs last night. Absolute darkness and so quiet that we could hear the blood pumping in our ears.  If there were animals round our tent we didn’t hear them- other than a few hyena noises this morning.

After a very early wake up (5.15) and breakfast we headed off for a dawn game drive. 

Jolted, slipped and slid our way around the VERY muddy tracks down to the southern Serengeti area. This southern part is pure unadulterated plains – not a tree in sight (apparently the volcanic soil is hostile to trees). There are masses of small termite hills (apparently cheetah’s favourite resting places) and outcrops of enormous boulders for big cats to lounge on.

Nothing but our shadow for mikes

UIt was all about the big cats this morning with some very close encounters.

This little guy was a long way from his mum

We did see one cheetah but was too far for our whimpy zoom lens (where are R & D when you need them)- perhaps without a photo it’s a bit like the fish that got away?

Being wet season the roads are gluggy, we got bogged once but after much wheel spinning and flying clumps of mud we found traction – with the open roof we all arrived back in camp a bit grubbier than we left.

JAfter a sumptuous lunch in the dining tent and a brief siesta we headed back out  to see the hippo pools at dusk. A long drive but totally worth it.  Literally tens of hippos wallowing around in what smells a bit like cow poo  flapping their tails and laughing their heads off – their laughing is infectious – will perfect the sound before I come home so I can demonstrate! 

And saw this little guy on the way home

10 thoughts on “Serengeti Day 2”

  1. That was another wonderful day. Where are the gnus? They should be there in plenty or close to millions because they left masai mara in November? All the same you are having fun and i am happy for you.

  2. Love reading about as well as seeing your adventures. Will there be a ‘slide night’ on your return?

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