She is peddling on the back – a little bit

After three weeks out of the saddle throwing a major spanner in our riding works, and with only four weeks before we head to The Centre, I FINALLY got back on the bike today with a little help from Ben the Brace and of course my trusty pilot David.

My new best friends for the next 2 months

Lessons from first binding of ankles: 1) allow plenty of time (took 20 minutes on this first round); 2) tape is VERY sticky so prepare for frustration on the part of the taper and extreme bossiness on the part of the tapee 3) for aforesaid reasons buy extra rolls of tape; 4) make a movie – the vid of the physio taping my ankle is more riveting (and will be more watched) than the lates season of Succession; 5) shoe horns are your friend (thank goodness for Amazon express delivery) – fitting several metres of tape and a lace up brace into riding shoes is no mean feat (pardon the pun).

Despite the initial palava the ride went smoothly – we kept it flat for this first attempt but managed 20k without too much fall out (so far) – and yes, i did pedal! Of course we did require the mandatory coffee stop – some things never change.

All in all cautiously optimistic that we might get to The Alice yet – David just needs to pedal a bit harder…..

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