Sightseeing in Nairobi

First of all – we are safe- our hotel is nowhere near where the attack occurred. We do feel very sad for the lovely people of Nairobi.

Today we hit the main tourist sites in Nairobi with Cyrus and his cousin Ruth.

First stop was the David Sheldrick rhino and elephant orphanage.
Got up close and personal (along with a couple of hundred other tourists) with a two month old baby rhino and lots of rescued orphaned elephants aged up to three years. Very cute watching these enormous babies being bottle fed.

They have loads s of personality- very cheeky. Highlight (not) was one of the larger babies turning his rear towards us and loudly breaking wind right in front of us – EEK!

Next stop was the Giraffe Centre which is a conservation park that aims to preserve the declining Rothschild giraffe population. After feeding and kissing (Caitlan only) we were absolutely covered in slobber – thank goodness for wet wipes!


Next we headed to the Kazuri bead factory – this was my pick and a return visit for me. We toured the workshop with the ladies making and decorating the most gorgeous beads. Needles to say we felt compelled to make a few purchases – I’ll be spoilt for choice with earrings when we return.

Elizabeth is one of the founders of the factory (42 years ago) to support single mothers. Over 300 single mothers now work in the factory

From here it was off to the Nairobi Mamba Village for lunch on the lawn followed by a tour of the croc farms some of these bad boys were huge.

Headed home round 5.30 saying our sad farewells to Cyrus- at least until next time. Now lying like sloths on our beds putting off the packing exercise that’s ahead of us. Fly out mid morning but have to be at the airport 3 hours early- are expecting increased security in the wake of the incidents in Nairobi today.

4 thoughts on “Sightseeing in Nairobi”

  1. The best day for me since you jetted in on 2nd January because i drove around with you.I also gathered all the safari feedback which is key in our company for development. Happy that all was well and i just feel bad that you are leaving again for some time before our next safari. All the same adios amigo and see you very soon. Thanks for everything my good friends.

  2. Thank you for starting with that message, Naomi. Not a nice piece of news to hear upon waking up when your loved ones are visiting the same city.
    Great photos once again and I hope that you have managed to remove all traces of giraffe slobber!
    Safe trip home.

  3. So relieved to hear that you are both safe and your rellies too. So sad for Nairobi. Safe travels and flight home love Peta, Bernie and Auntie Di. Xxd

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