
Enjoyed a day off the bike today exploring Svolvaer. Very pretty town that goes from being extremely quiet to bustling when the Hurtigruten comes into port.

We walked the town and (I think) saw all the main attractions.
Trawled through four small art galleries displaying paintings and ceramics by local artists and the local antique store- to David’s relief I didn’t see anything I ‘must have’.

We then visited the World war 2 museum- an amazing private collection of WW2 memorabilia collected by a local chap since 1948. Included uniforms and weaponry of every army/navy/airforce from all sides, photographs, medical/surgeons/dentist kits (EEK), various paintings/drawings and belongings of Hitler – but also similar from English generals etc. nothing Aussie that I could see. The owner himself is said to be a bit of a local icon, but unfortunately wasn’t there today.

Then it was off to Ice Magic- a tacky but fun (for about 5 minutes) ice sculpture museum, but actually more like an ice bar. Stayed long enough for s quick look and to down a Bourbon, but nothing to write home about.

Hmm...these looked like kangaroos
Hmm…these looked like kangaroos

Local area is beautiful- like most seaside towns over here lots of walking to be done. After a cloudy, damp day the sun finally came out early evening- by 9pm we had clear blue skies casting reflections over the glass like fjord.
Made the most of it with a late night walk through the fishing yards along the breakwater. Absolute magic!
These structures are all around Svolvear- they are used for hanging the fish to dry (stock fish) which is then rehydrated and cooked - had it for dinner last night- a bit of an acquired taste I think.
These structures are all around Svolvaer- they are used for hanging the fish to dry (stock fish) which is then rehydrated and cooked – had it for dinner last night- a bit of an acquired taste I think.

Back on the bike tomorrow but only about 25-30k ahead of us, so we just need to make sure that we don’t continue to eat for 60!

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