St Helens

Tim arrived at 9 as promised to pick us up to transfer to St Helens. We felt a bit sheepish skipping this leg until we drove it- after which our sheepishness turned to relief. The road was very narrow with lots of blind curves- we would have been sitting ducks! The views were spectacular though.

Tim has our girl tucked up safely for the ride

Gorgeous views as we wound through the pass

Took just over an hour to get down to StHelens and find our little cottage (home for the next three days). After some bike maintenance (aka cleaning the grit out of everything), determined not to be total slugs, we set off for an afternoon ride to Binalong Bay.

A very hilly ride (is there any other type down here?) but we’ll worth it. On top of that the weather was perfect (at last) warm and sunny with the most amazing cloud formations.

A short coastal walk….

….to get to the most pristine beach
Skeleton Bay

Easy to see why it’s called the Bay of Fires

And the best thing of all is man cooked dinner!

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