Summing up Stockholm

Sitting in the airport lounge waiting for flight to Norway. Long delays due to airline strike (no- these things don’t just happen in Oz) so have a bit of time to sum up up our last week.


Such a beautiful, lay back city- FABULOUS food, amazing history, friendly people, sooooo easy to get around – such a walkable city and endless daylight in which to do it.

Three days in inspiring conference for me since last post while David ‘did the town’ to its fullest.
Nobel museum
Day trip out in the archipelago to Sandhamn (David)
Abba museum (shamefacedly me)
Gordana restaurant (David, me, work buddies and anyone who is anyone in Stockholm)
A city that should be on everyone’s bucket list….

Dinner with the gals
Dinner with the gals
Old Town
Old Town


One thought on “Summing up Stockholm”

  1. Knew you’d love it as much as we did. Thanks for turning on the comments again. Now you’ll know we’re with you

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