Swedish National Day

A public holiday here in Sweden with loads of festivities. Stockholm turned on glorious weather for us again, allowing us to walk our legs off.

David and I set off early(ish) to Skansen – Stockholm’s open air museum. Historical Swedish, Finnish and Norwegian houses/cottages have been re-homed here as a living history with traditional trades (eg glass blowing, pottery) still operating. The most beautiful part however was walking through the lush wooded acreage and the views over Stockholm – very tranquil.


We caught the ferry back to old town – skirting islands lined with rows of beautiful old buildings

Old town was bustling with families and activity. We were drawn towards a lovely street choir of women in traditional dress when we found ourselves standing next to our very own family – Sarah and Ptolemy! Only in Sweden……

We spent the rest of the afternoon in the Nobel Museum. A couple of Australians featured prominently. There was a fabulous special exhibition of science laureates with life size photographs of them holding their own crayon drawings of their work, with audio recordings of them ‘walking you through’ their diagrams. A fabulous lesson in science communication.

Caught up with the team in Old Town for a hearty traditional dinner of Swedish meatballs. elk burgers and grilled salmon and mash. I drew the line at reindeer- somehow couldn’t bring myself to eat Rudolf!