To Broken Hill

The trip from Orroroo to Broken Hill was long (just over 300k), flat and pretty much uninterrupted desert views. A couple of tiny towns along the way – and we stopped in one (Olay) for a tostie at the pub – but really an excuse to use the facilities(along with nearly every other caravan/camper making the trek) . The publican told us he bought the pub 6 months ago which had closed 6 years earlier. I’d say it is pretty much as it was when he bought it but he said he has been flat out since he opened feeding and watering the passing travellers. We passed loads of roadworks en route- they’re widening the road to accomodate road trains- so the next journey may not be so pleasant.

We arrived in BH just after 1pm but took almost an hour to get into the camp ground with the general mayhem of mass arrivals. Volunteers are working overtime to keep things on track (I suspect the whole town is involved). We are finally settled at pre- bash camping at the Broken Hill race course. Nestled on the grass under the shelter of the heritage (and soon to be renovated) grand stand we are a little away from the masses in caravans but close enough to hear the buzz. A climb to the top of the stand gave an indication of how many will be in the early-entry convoy tomorrow. We have done the absolute minimum unpack- just opened up enough to get in to the bed, hoping to make it a speedy getaway in the morning. 

Have done a once around the town and clearly this is somewhere we need to come back to with dedicated time – there is so much history and loads of art galleries – including the Pro Hart gallery- none of which are open today (Monday), so they’ll have to either be at the end or next time.  Did buy myself two western shirts from a shop called Sitting Bull- great fabrics that hopefully I’ll still want to wear at home but I’ll definitely look the part as I boot scoot my way through the next couple of days.

The Street names in BH get this old chemist’s juices flowing as we gradually weave our way around the periodic  table – silver, sulphide, chloride, bromide and so forth.

Now sitting in the dark outside our tent listening to two competing playlists from neighbouring vans that somehow don’t seem to clash., and a teenage girl sitting in the grandstand talking to her mates on her mobile (I’m learning lots).  Might need the ear plugs tonight.

 I internet from here on in – so it will be a case of what happens at Broken Hill stays at Broken Hill.

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