Toora-Port Welshpool round trip

Today we rode the remains of the Great Southern rail trail from Toora to Port Welshpool. Again the weather gods were kind to us, with blue skies, mild temperatures and little wind. The quality of the trail is fab- well packed surface and not too many bumps. It was mostly flat with some minor rolling hills, so all in all an easy 40k ride.

The country side is beautiful round here. Lots of dairy and beef farms – very green and lots of water lying around.

Even the cows were enjoying a paddle

once we got closer to the coast the flora became much more ‘bushy’.

Port Welshpool itself was beautiful – although surprisingly nothing there in terms of township. Loads of cars with boat trailers parked along the boat ramp so obviously a favourite with anglers. Main feature is the Long Jetty, which is indeed long – we rode out to the end – a 1.8km round trip! The pier was recently re-built after someone dropped a cigarette and burnt the old one down. The new one is set up beautifully for fishing with lots of rod holders, little fishing cabins and two massive cleaning benches. A fisherman’s heaven no doubt.

Magnificent sky reflected in the almost glass like waters

Now back at our little home away from home contemplating the return to the real world tomorrow

David is snoring inside as I write this….