Toora to Fish Creek – in teaming rain

With weather forecasts predicting storms and flooding for eastern Victoria, but not yet ready to return to reality, we decided to take a change of course – to transfer from tent to cabin and pick up our car so we can still continue exploring the local area without the combined risks of rain/traffic/roads. So a little sheepishly we set off for Fish Creek in driving rain, leaving all our panniers warm and dry in our tent.

Thank goodness for rain gear

Fortunately it was rail trail all the way, so we didn’t need to worry about visibility. However… we did need to negotiate the wet farm crossings where farmers move their cattle from one side of the trail to the other. Definitely the downside of being the stoker

Not only do I do all the pedalling, I cop all the cow excrement!

Arrived in Fish Creek with the bike and us literally caked in mud. And starving, but too filthy and wet to show our faces in the local pub, so we picked up our car, turned the seat warmers on full and hot tailed it back to Toora. Now happily washed and nested in our cabin with the heating cranked up full, feeling only slightly guilty that we’ve ditched the tent.

All of a sudden not feeling that thirsty!

2 thoughts on “Toora to Fish Creek – in teaming rain”

  1. Love it. Know all about those cattle crossings and the rain. But luckily walkers dont get cow-poo backs 🙂

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