Tromso to Sommaroy

Distance travelled: 64km (40km moderately undulating; 10km blissfully downhill; 10 km punishingly uphill)
Weather: 8 degrees C; everything except snow.

Our route - note the middle gradient
Our route – note the middle gradient

Set off round 9 for the first day of our adventure in misty rain. A bit of tricky traffic to negotiate for the first couple of km (especially fun give we were riding on the other side of the road) but once out of Tromso we travelled on either designated bike paths or quiet (ish) roads.

Our route largely followed the coast skirting fjords – which made navigation a breeze.

Spent the whole day feeling like we were part of a National Geographic shoot and pinching ourselves that we should be so lucky to be here – Scenery was wild and spectacular- crystal clear glacial green waters reflecting spectacular snow topped mountains, with quaint waterside cottages. Made the enormous climbs worthwhile- even in rain/hail, this place is incredible.
Once the sun showed its face, colours transformed
Had a couple of close encounters with reindeer along the way – with herds coming down from the mountains for the grass where snow has thawed. No bears thank goodness!

No he doesn't have a spear in his ack- just an unfortunately positioned mile post
No he doesn’t have a spear in his ack- just an unfortunately positioned mile post

A few of the challenges today:
Bridges that are high enough to let boats through
Bridges that are high enough to let boats through

This hill (aka mountain) eventually got the better of us and we had to walk the last 100m
This hill (aka mountain) eventually got the better of us and we had to walk the last 100m

The  biggest challenge for m - 620m poorly lit tunnel shared with traffic - we did press the button to  alert drivers that there was a cyclist in the tunnel but couldn't see that it actually did something
The biggest challenge for m – 620m poorly lit tunnel shared with traffic – we did press the button to alert drivers that there was a cyclist in the tunnel but couldn’t see that it actually did something

Sommaroy is an old fishing village – pretty, but also lots of oil and construction. – only one hotel and we are in it. Meeting up with a US and British couple for dinner who are travelling the same route.

David reading maps for tomorrow – in hostel type accommodation tomorrow so not sure if we will have wifi access for blogging.

5 thoughts on “Tromso to Sommaroy”

  1. How fantastic! I hope at some stage you get a hotel with a Sauna. I don’t envy you trying to get out of bed in the morning with the aching muscles.

  2. Naomi what an amazing adventure. That tunnels looks a little scary though, need a great big light to shine letting drivers know your there. Enjoy reading your travel log

  3. Fantastic to see the amazing terrain you’re being treated to over there! It looks like you’ve had a great time so far.

    Sounds like David might certainly get through the rest of Santa’s fleet if you guys have to get over many more bridges and mountains like those!

    1. Yes, until today when our derailleur chain has started slipping through the low gears – can only use mid/high gears – after 50k of majorly steep climbs. David off trying to find bike mechanic, otherwise will be calling you guys in the am

  4. Sounds like you are getting lots of challenges thrown your way, so hoping the weather improves for the rest of the trip. Enjoy

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