What is it with our rides and rain??

The heavens descended today- thank goodness our ‘for real’ riding doesn’t start until tomorrow.

Started the day with a divine breakfast at our little B&B then umbrellas in hand we opted to explore shops rather than bike tracks. David managed to put a big dint in a legendary Bee Sting from the Beechworth Bakery – we have yet to find the perfect coffee to go with the yummy pastries, but that hasn’t stopped us trying.

Explored the local area by car and then later did a short ride to suss out our route for tomorrow.


I wonder if David has  the feeling he is missing something?
I wonder if David has the feeling he is missing something?

"Oh bugger, I guess I'll have to go back for her...."
“Oh bugger, I guess I’ll have to go back for her….”

Finished the day with pub dinner & long evening walk


Bike loaded up ready to go – fingers crossed that the rain has passed.