Wilpena Pound (nearly)

Woke up to a very different view this morning, wind had subsided but light rain had set in enveloping the ranges in thick cloud.

We set off for Wilpena Pound determined to still do our walk – or at least one of us (DB) was. But by the time we got there the mist had turned to solid rain and the visitor info centre were advising people not to walk as paths were too slippery. ….. bummer…

So headed off on a drive instead.

Drove north back up towards Blinman again but  this time on the other side of the ranges (last time we’d cut across through one of the gorges). While it was tarmac all the way already water was starting to accumulate in the dips in the road- we could see how flash flooding could sneak up quickly in this area. Driving past the entrance to the road to Arkaroola we saw some of the roads were showing ‘closed’ signs- so good decision to leave early the other day (mind you I can think of worse places to be stuck)!

Resisted the call of the Blinman pie shop for lunch and instead opted for the pub  this time. Very quirky quintessential outback pub- old,  rusty roofed, and like a rabbit warren inside and relying totally on alcohol consumption for warmth- we kept our puffas on.  Food was hearty. I broke my ‘never eat seafood of you’re more than 200 k from the water’ rule and ordered the salt and pepper squid- which was yummy despite its 1000km journey o get to me. And it came with a lovely bowl of fresh salad- fresh greens aren’t easy to get up this way so nice to have the crunch

As we drove back the rain and cloud cleared as suddenly as it had come so we were able to navigate the tracks up to a couple of lookouts – it’s impossible to get sick of the views here.

Cloud literally lifting
So-called wall of chin (camera cant do it justice)
parked on top of the word

And because today was more about the food than anything else we glammed up (which means damp cloth to the middy Blundstones, putting a scarf on top of my black merino undershirt and brushing my hair) and went to the woodshed for dinner. A beautiful fine dining restaurant (this one with roaring fires) set in the heart of the station we are staying on – I’ll spare you the blow by blow details of what we ate but let’s just say we will need to walk a few miles tomorrow. 

Drove the couple of k back to our tent at about 20k/hr with kangaroos zinging left and right- managed to avoid them all thankfully (we are meeting plenty of people who have been less lucky).

Now back in our tent- curled up in our warm bed listening to the rain teaming down once more but the locals assure us it will be clear tomorrow.

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