Wow – Definitely in love with Budapest!

Started off slowly this morning – treated our weary bodies to a lie in, stretched our creaking legs and set off to explore. Budapest is quite spread out, so we opted for the hop on hop off bus again as a way of getting round some of the sights and working out what we want to explore in greater depth. The weather was smiling on us, so we rode on the open roof top – right up among the ornate facades. The aarchitecture is spectacular and utterly unspoilt.

We disembarked first in the Buda Castle District – where we saw the archeological dig of the original Buda castle – expected to see archeologists with trowels and brushes gently sweeping dirt away – in reality they were using cranes!


Saw the beautiful Matyas Church from the outside only as a pesky Hungarian bride & groom were using it today.

Pity about the road works....
Pity about the road works….
Do you think she is having second thoughts?
Do you think she is having second thoughts?

Also watched the changing of the guards at the palace…try as I might I couldn’t get this guy to crack a smile.

Our absolute favourite of this area was the Fishermen’s Bastion. Relatively new (built in 1904) it is an ornate terrace with turrets and arches revealing incredible views of the Danube.

All he needs is the sword and he'd fit right in
All he needs is the sword and he’d fit right in

David couldn’t resist this snack (aka heart attack on a stick) which came with a guarantee of being ‘Authentic Hungarian Cuisine’ – we later read a warning about high rates of food poisoning from such vendors…. So far so good!

No shortage of spectacular vies in this city..



Finished the day up in a bar set under a circus big top in the middle of the park, with a Hungarian band playing 1960s rock and roll with a bit of country and western on the side – with everyone in the pub/tent (ages ranging 30 to 80)dancing. Never heard Elvis with a Hungarian accent before – absolutely priceless. They certainly know how to party here!

2 thoughts on “Wow – Definitely in love with Budapest!”

  1. You look thinner David but won’t last long with a sausage like that. I bet it was good. Budapest looks a very interesting place,very old buildings.

  2. OMG David, dont do it that hotdog is amazing but you will regret the calories later.

    Had a chuckle at the thought of you two falling off your bike and rolling around in the mud. HEHEHE

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