Yanakie to Toora

Today’s ride: 42.6km – felt like 60.

Woke up this morning, sun was shining and tent was dry and we decided that rather than tempt fate by staying another day, we would pack up while the weather holds and move to our next destination.

This is the first dissemble of the tent and we managed it in a record 40 minutes – including packing panniers! Note for brother AJH – as I recall this was somewhat quicker than the first tvan pack up!

All packed ready to go

Destination today was Toora Caravan Park – ranked highly on Wiki camps and guaranteed powered sites. Only downside – lots of hill climbing required to get there. Started off by back tracking out of the prom towards Foster – only had to walk up two hills but plenty of huffing and puffing. Much of the highway has double lines- no overtake, so I’m sure there are a few folks who took a bit longer on their journeys for having to wait for us. They were all pretty patient though.

Once in Foster we linked up with the South Gippsland Rail Trail, so it was relatively flat and smooth surface from there on. Lunched on nuts and bananas in someone’s driveway and kept moving to try to get to Toora early. Toora is such a pretty town – lots of original buildings. A couple are boarded up and dilapidated – I imagine the heritage listing would make restoring them difficult (aka expensive).

Off the road at last
Beautiful riding through the bush

Tent was set up and lilos inflated in less than 10 minutes – gotta love these hiking tents. A quick walk to town for supplies and we had the makings of another hearty meal. The camp kitchens have been fab in the caravan parks and we haven’t had to use our little camp stove yet.

it’s 8.15 and we are about to take our weary legs to bed. The caravan park is pretty crowded so I imagine we will be woken early – if not by the campers, by the birds.