Ye olde Hobart Town- we made it!!!

Woke up with aching legs and mixed feelings knowing that today would be our last day on the road. Feeling quite proud of ourselves that we had got this far and just a tad nervous that something might happen to get in the way of us completing these last few kilometres.

The old girl packed up and ready to go for the last time

For the first time on this trip we had a late start and a cafe breakfast- which allowed us to avoid the peak traffic of those commuting to Hobart.

Instead of taking the main highway we decided on going via Grasstree Hill (the word ‘hill’ was a total misnomer). This was a longer and much steeper route than the highway, but had much less traffic. Those cars that did pass gave us a wide berth, with a couple of beeps and waves for encouragement (we no doubt looked like we were about to explode). We would our way up that last massive hill of our journey and were chuffed that we managed it without having to get off and push- that would be right- get fit just in time for the last day!

The reward at the top of the hill

The Pass was just beautiful with views across forests- but extremely dry. Wouldn’t want to go through here in bushfire season.

Like all other parts of our trip- the slow climb up took us an hour and the 5k descent took about 5 minutes and landed us on the outskirts of Hobart right near the banks of the Derwent.

A welcome (and exciting) sight

We crossed the river on the Bowen Bridge- while busy and unpleasant it was definitely preferable to the enormous Tasman Bridge carriageway.

Very glad not to be climbing this old thing!

Once over the bridge we were able to hook up to the Inter-city cycleway

On the way through we did a short detour to visit Uncle John in Lutana- had a lovely time sitting in the sun on his deck sharing gossip about family.

Then back on the cycle-way all the way to Salamanca Place. Was quite a feeling rolling into the port knowing all the hills and miles we’d traversed to get there.

Woo hoo
Just to prove we did get there by bike and not Uber!

We are staying in a fabulously located apartment in an old stables building in Kelly Street Battery Point. Not sure how we will reconcile our ‘we can no longer eat everything we see’ policy with all the incredible eateries around here- we might just have to get on the bike again….

5 thoughts on “Ye olde Hobart Town- we made it!!!”

  1. Wow, wow, wow! What a fabulous trip! Having driven from Port Arthur into Hobart I can completely follow your trip and my admiration is enormous! Looking forward to catching up when you get home!
    Great job, you two are legends!

  2. I agree with Lanna; you guys are legends !! Great ride, and it appears no equipment breakdowns ! Love AJH

  3. Fantastic! Congratulations on a great achievement and adventure! Thanks for including us all by way off your blog!
    R + R

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